Thursday, August 26, 2010

She's Got A Secret Garden

I truly am sorry that I'm an awful blogger. Between work, running, and summer reading, I've been basically banned from the computer. Ang the worst thing about work is that it deprives me of the pleasure of choosing what I want to wear in the morning. Just that same uniform, ever day, and it always smells like coffee, no matter how many times I wash it. As strange as it sounds, I'll actually have more time once school starts.
But, I digress... This outfit, didn't actually wear anyplace. I got home from work and I said, "You know what? Dress. That's what." So it was basically an outfit just because I felt like it.
Hmm, I just realized that these pictures have the date and time on them, because I used my mom's camera. I don't think I like that... And this isn't really much of a garden, it's only my front yard.

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