Tuesday, November 23, 2010

So We're a Little Bit Older Now...

"... and we're a little bit tired, a little bit scared, looking down."

I promised my sister I'd include that last one...

I've been forced to accept the fact that I do not have enough time to devote to taking pictures and posting as often as I'd like. This is because I now have basketball, and it forces me to come home late and sweaty, so I would need to shower and would already have missed the light outside. So I will be mostly reduced to what I can put together on the weekends. But I promise I'll try my best during the week as well!
I also made a tumblr account, the link is on the sidebar. I update this more frequently, mostly inspiration pictures and quotes. So that's something at least...

Monday, November 15, 2010

No Dawn, No Day...

"... I'm always in this twilight, in the shadow of your heart."

Once again, I apologize for being a bad blogger. Cross-coutry season just ended, which is sad, but hopefully I'll have a little more time now to post and stuff.
This was just another escapade to the woods with my sister. I don't get down there often enough...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Just promise you will remember...

"...A promise should last forever
Right up to the dying embers
Of a fire that burns so slow."

Sorry there is no real clear shot of the outfit...but you get most of it!

My mom made the shirt, I made the vest, my mom bought the scarf, and yeah...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Forgo Family, Forgo Friends...

"... that's how it started, how it ends. I can't open up and cry 'cause I've been silent all my life."

Catching some of the late afternoon rays...

This is the view of the neighborhood from my front yard, by the way.